Director – BA LLB LLM (UCT)

Adrian thrives where he can tackle complex topics or niche areas of law, develop market leading skills around them, and then use these skills to coach clients and create usable deliverables that will improve their businesses.

Before establishing Dommisse Attorneys in 2009, Adrian built up a wealth of experience with a number of law  firms and financial institutions, both within South Africa and the United Kingdom. These roles  ranged from being an attorney to an investment banker – and enabled him to construct valuable experience and expertise to add value to eminent local businesses such as Getsmarter, Snap Scan, YuppieChef, WooThemes and Offerzen. 

His core focus and source of inspiration is to provide South African tech companies with all the tools they need to build value on an international scale.

In 2022 Adrian founded IP Incubator to empower clients to attract offshore funding and build global wealth, by housing their IP offshore. 

International investors are often put off by South African exchange controls, and many businesses are not equipped with the skills to place their IP legitimately outside of the jurisdiction of South African exchange controls. Adrian and his IP Incubator team are here to solve this problem, with a complete solution to clients’ aspiration to set up offshore and to grow their group’s value through creating IP and retaining profit in hard currency. 

Adrian also advises the University of Stellenbosch and University of Cape Town technology spin-out units – which are effectively start ups powered by world leading tech developed in these institutions.

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