• Your Business Magazine

    Online T&Cs

    Terms of service are essential for your online shop to ensure that the relationship and integration between consumers and businesses is properly regulated by agreements that are both compliant with the law and appropriate for the relationship and nature of goods or services in question.

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  • Ventureburn

    Landing an investor in times of uncertainty [Opinion]

    It may be the fear of a pending pandemic, lockdowns and calls for social distancing due to Covid-19 or even a looming recession that is keeping young entrepreneurs from approaching Venture Capital firms; but now is not the time for fear, it’s a time to take action. As South Africans continue to be locked down due to the Covid-19 pandemic, companies already in discussions with Venture Capital firms are urgently trying to wrap up negotiations and secure their anticipated influx of capital; but what does that mean for the company still looking for an investor in the time of a pandemic? The opportunity we believe is still there, just not in the packaging you initially thought it would be in.

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  • GoLegal

    Service agreement essentials

    For most businesses, revenue is generated from the products or services that they market and sell. In this article we focus on ‘services’ and the term is used quite generally – including all types of services that may be rendered, such as services rendered in person, remotely (online for example), and software that is licensed or platforms that are made available online. Although different in nature, these services all have a very important aspect in common – the agreement regulating the service that is being rendered. As with many legal agreements, a bespoke service agreement is often thought to be a step (and expense) that is not all that important. That is of course until something goes wrong! A few examples of these cases can include when the service provider doesn’t perform as the client expected, the client hasn’t paid, a third party brings a claim against the client or service provider as a result of the services, or the services/software/platform stop functioning etc. In these cases – which are only a handful of examples of things that could go wrong – having a service agreement that is tailored to your business (as the service provider) is vital to safeguarding your business.

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  • Ventureburn

    Converting your business from a CC to a (Pty) Ltd? Here’s all you need to know.

    As we all know, since the coming into effect of the Companies Act, 71 of 2008 and the subsequent changes to the Close Corporations Act, 69 of 1984, it is no longer possible to register a new close corporation (CC). The intention behind this is for the legislature to streamline the differences between CC’s and companies and make the private company a more attractive form of business enterprise, going forward. But, what happens if you still have an existing CC?

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  • Go Legal

    Taxation in South Africa: Does it even matter where my company is registered?

    A lot has been written on the taxation of offshore registered companies in South Africa. The so called Place of Effective Management of a company, or POEM principle, is nothing new. And yet, there is a common misunderstanding around what it actually means practically.

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  • Your Business Magazine

    How to attract new investors to your business

    Most of us know that a persuasive business plan; a competent board structure and demonstrated market advantage grabs an investor’s attention. However, its usually not until a successful due diligence enquiry is completed that investment funds flow.

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  • SkyWays Magazine

    Global thinking: why take your business offshore?

    Expanding your business beyond South Africa can be a wise move in terms of diversifying your investment. In a world that is more accessible than ever, why would you invest everything you have in one country?

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  • Your Business Magazine

    7 essential agreements for any start up

    While it can be tempting for founders to jump straight into the practical aspects of making their vision a reality, it often means that the legal aspects take a back seat. This article will focus on seven essential legal agreements that every business should have, right from the outset.

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  • Your Business Magazine

    Navigating a founder buy-out

    It is vital to plan for a co-founder's exit from the very start of the business relationship.

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  • ventureburn

    A fail-safe way to moving IP offshore: Part 2 [Opinion]

    This second of two articles zeros in on the functions which an offshore company (ie ForeignCo) will need to undertake, in order for it to show that it owns IP and claim that such IP is located in its offshore company.

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